Enrolment Information

When is my appointment?

If you have booked an appointment, you will have been sent an email reminder containing the date and time of the appointment. You can also view your appointment date and time on Applicant Portal. If you haven’t booked an appointment, you can do so via the Applicant Portal.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

Please bring a form of ID, such as:

  • UK Passport
  • UK Driving Licence
  • Birth Certificate

For those students who are enrolling on or after GCSE results day (22nd August), please bring your statement of results.

Do I need to read anything before?

Before the appointment, please read the Cirencester College Code of Conduct.

You will also receive a copy of our Enrichment Guide. Please read this as we will ask you which Enrichment activities you may be interested in.

Please also see below the statements regarding trip and photo consent. Your decision for these consents will be logged at the appointment, there is no need to let us know now.

Photo Consent
Does the student and parent/guardian consent to Cirencester College to use or re-use photographic images or moving images of the student, in whole or in part, in any publications (e.g. College prospectus) or other (e.g. College website), newspapers. This may also involve using your name or attributing a quotation to the student.

Trip Consent
Does the parent/guardian give consent to their young person visiting any off site location for educational purposes, where the visit is organised by Cirencester College? They may be asked to sign an additional consent form for overseas visits.

Where can I park?

Please park in the main college car park, which is situated at the end of the site and signposted.

Where is my appointment?

3rd & 4th July – Digital Building, Ground Floor – G002

22nd – 29th August – Sports Hall

The relevant location will be signposted from the car park.

Please note that other parts of the college are for current students, staff and signed in visitors only.

If you are coming to an appointment outside of the scheduled enrolment dates please report to reception.

Who should/can attend?

There are no restrictions on who can attend. We encourage parents/guardians to attend the appointment with their young person.

How long will the appointment take?

No appointment should last more than 30 minutes unless you are making major changes to your programme of study. Please don’t arrive too early for your appointment.

What will happen at the appointment?

During the appointment, you will discuss your application to the college with a member of staff. You will discuss your future ambitions aims and how your programme of study could help you achieve this. You may wish to make changes to your application at your enrolment appointment, which we can accommodate providing that there is space on the desired course(s).

The programme will be checked to ensure that it is suitable for your future aspirations, that it fits on a timetable and that you have the entry grades for the course(s) you have selected. For July enrolment, this will be based on your predicted grades and then checked after GCSE results day, when we will ask you to upload your actual grades.

Your personal information will also be checked to ensure that we have your correct details on our records.

What happens next?

Up to 24 hours after your appointment, you will be sent an Enrolment Confirmation via email. This confirmation lists the courses that you have enrolled on to. Please ensure that all the information listed is correct. If it is not correct, please contact the college.

You will be asked to select one or more Enrichment activities that you would be interested in participating in. You will be able to make this selection via the Applicant Portal, which will help inform our Enrichment planning.