The Business Management and Administration T-level offers young people a fantastic opportunity to gain hands on experience and important theoretical knowledge of how businesses operate, and how they can have a meaningful impact when they enter the workforce. You will be developing team and professional skills to get you ready for employment as well as all the essential knowledge needed for the sector.
The qualification will help you gain an understanding of the sector. You will study different types of business, analyse what works and what doesn’t and understand how they innovate and respond to challenges.
As well as a robust work experience element of the course, each student will have the choice of studying one stand alone occupational specialism: Business Improvement or Team Leadership/Management.
What will I study in Business Management and Administration T-level?
The qualification will help you gain an understanding of the Management and Administration sector and you will cover topics such as: Business Context, People, Quality Compliance, Project, and Change Management.
As well as a robust work experience element of the course each student will have the choice of studying one stand alone Occupational Specialism Pathways as listed below.
ï‚· Business Improvement
ï‚· Team Leadership/Management
Employer-Set Project introduction
The Employer-Set Project is an assessment made up of a number of tasks which will assess the knowledge and skills you have learnt as part of the ‘Core’ element of your T Level. Each project is developed together with employers in the industry to reflect realistic types of developments, activities and challenges.
The Employer-Set Project is a formal assessment that you will be marked and graded on. You will be marked on the quality and accuracy of the written work you produce. It is therefore important that you carry out your work to the highest standard you can.
How well you know and understand the subject, and how you have used your knowledge to complete the project must be clear to the marker. This means you should explain your thinking and how/why you have made your decisions within your written work e.g. as part of your planning, reflections, or evaluations.
Entry Requirements
5+ GCSEs at Grade 4 or above from the core subjects, including English Language and Maths.
How will I learn?
Teaching of the technical level of the qualification will be delivered using a range of methods including presentations, case studies, hands on experience, industry guest lecturers and classroom based activities.
Work experience makes up a significant element of the course.
The course is made up of:-
50% Core Element
50% Occupational Specialism
How will I be assessed?
There will be a mix of exams, case studies, and practical assessments that make up the Core element of the course as well as an Employer Set Project.
Core Exam 1 - 30%
Core Exam 2 - 30%
Employer Set Project - 40%
Any trips?
There will be trips and visits throughout the course to a range of industries.
Are there any costs involved?
There are no initial costs but students will benefit from buying their own textbooks throughout the course and have appropriate clothing for the workplace.
Students would benefit from having a device that they can work on such as a laptop or equivalent.
Some trips may have a cost to them that will be payable through the college Wisepay.
No - The T-level programmes make up a whole timetable including the large industry placement element of the course therefore it is not possible to do another Level 3 course alongside it.
Yes - There is quite a significant Maths element to some of the Business pathways therefore a Maths GCSE at a grade 4 as a minimum is required.
As part of the assessments, students will need to write reports so English GCSE at grade 4 would be an advantage.
You will have to decide on your pathway at the end of the second term at college. By this time you will have had more insight into what each of the pathways involves including career talks.
It is a joint effort. We will encourage you to find your own placement but we also have experts within the college that can support you through this.
Awarding Body
City and Guilds
Available As
[168 UCAS pts. available]
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What can I do after I have taken this course?
Available As
[168 UCAS pts. available]
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