Students in nursing lesson

Health T-level: Adult Nursing Pathway


Are you interested in working as a nurse, midwife or paramedic?  This ground-breaking course provides a route into these roles. The arrival of our new T-level Building complete with our own Hospital Ward, makes this the course to head for in 2024.

The course has a broad focus on nursing, good practice in health care and understanding of the NHS, which makes it useful in many other branches of health care. A major placement, where you work with patients and health professionals, is a central part of the course. The course is also suitable for those of you who wish to go on to University to study nursing or health at a higher level.

You’ll be developing team and professional skills to get you ready for employment and all the essential knowledge needed for the sector of your choice.

What will I study in Health T-level: Adult Nursing Pathway?

The content of the Health T-Level has been built from the ground up by employers, and so there is no better way of ensuring that you have the employable skills necessary to excel. This includes learning the most up-to-date knowledge and understanding of what it means to work in the health sector. You will gain a deep understanding of biology and what makes living organisms from cells to human beings tick. You will grasp detailed knowledge of the jobs roles within the sector, including laws, regulations and how health systems all work together to keep people safe and healthy. Unique to the T-Level, you'll get the chance to learn practical skills like clinical tasks or taking physiological measurements, and how these can be used to give people the quality care they deserve.

On the Nursing pathway, you will specifically study these areas:

  • Assisting with an individual’s overall care and needs to ensure comfort and wellbeing
  • Assist registered health professionals with clinical or therapeutic tasks and interventions
  • Undertake a range of physiological measurements
  • Assist the adult nursing team with clinical tasks
  • Support individuals to meet activities of daily living
  • Assist with skin integrity assessments and with the care and treatment of skin conditions

Entry Requirements

At least five GCSEs at Grade 4 or above all from the basket subjects. Grade 4 in Maths and English. Grade 4 in a science related GCSE is recommended.

This course requires a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check, we will be asking students to bring the necessary details to their enrolment appointment to complete this.

How will I learn?

The T-Level program will be taught in a way that immerses you as a worker in the sector. You will learn just as a health worker would, like working in teams and through practical demonstrations of skills. The ways that you showcase your talent will also be much like an actual health environment: with independent work, presentations and written reports. The classroom environment should be one of cooperation; teachers and students working together to get the most out of your qualifications.

There is a large work experience component, designed to make sure that you have the best possible chance of securing your progression into work or further education as you proceed from the T-Level. You will be required to have undertaken 315 hours of work experience by the time you finish, and the focus on this will be to learn skills and competence on the job, as well as giving you a chance to reflect on your strengths and areas for development. The work experience component is 1 day per week on a student's timetable.

We work closely with NHS trusts in the area who provide placements for students on wards or within the community. We also have many students in other, private, health organisations, e.g., care homes.

How will I be assessed?

The T-Level is assessed in a variety of ways all with the needs of employers in mind. Your core component is assessed through two written exams as well as a project that you will complete based on a brief given from employers. You will also sit an employer set project which is a controlled assessment that you take over several lessons. Your occupational specialism is assessed through 'synoptic assessment' which is based on you demonstrating skills you've learned.

Any trips?

You will be off-site for one day a week to give you the opportunity to culminate industry placement hours.

Whilst on site, you will have a training morning whereby professionals will be invited in to demonstrate different skills and techniques related to the nursing sector.

Are there any costs involved?

You should expect small costs for stationery and booklets to assist with the course. There may also be costs to pick up uniforms for practical work or to use at work experience.

Available As

T Level
[168 UCAS pts. available]

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What can I do after I have taken this course?

Available As

T Level
[168 UCAS pts. available]

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