The Foundation for Digital T-level course is designed to offer students a pathway to the T-level. You will be offered a variety of interlinked experiences including a full level 2 digital qualification, industry appropriate work experience opportunities and project work designed to teach research and development skills.
What will I study in T-level Foundation Year in Digital?
Students will study for either a level 2 certificate in ICT or a level 2 certificate in digital design depending on their chosen pathway. Each of these certificates consists of two written exams and a variety of internally assessed assignments. In order to pass the level 2 qualification students will need to pass all of these assessment points.
Students studying on the ICT pathway will sit exams in Introduction to IT and Security. They will be assessed on two other units, data and emerging technology.
Students who study on the design pathway will sit exams in emerging digital technologies and the principles of digital design and development alongside assignment units in digital media products and audiences and the moving image industry products and audiences.
Each pathway is designed to allow the student to choose a study course that matches their interests, skills and career plans.
Students will also undertake 105 hours of work experience designed to give them invaluable workplace skills and exposure to the world of work and the expectations the workplace places on employees. This work experience is designed to be flexible and easy to complete and is supported by the college.
Students will also undertake a variety of projects. These projects are designed to develop student’s broader skills including, planning, time management, study and research skills as well as numeracy, literacy and communication skills. All these are vital future employment and study skills.
The course has three expected progression routes.
1) Onwards to other FE courses including T Levels in Digital, Support or Media or A levels if appropriate.
2) A level 3 apprenticeship
3) Work
Each of these progression routes is equally valid and students are supported to make the choices most appropriate to them and their desired career progression.
Entry Requirements
3+ GCSEs at Grade 3 or higher including English and Maths.
How will I learn?
The course is made up of a number of units which are all assessed via exam and course work. Students will sit two exams at the end of January as well as completing two units that are assessed using assignments.
The course itself offers students a choice of two "pathways". After an initial month of core content students will choose whether to follow a traditional IT skills pathway or take on a digital media path.
IT pathway students will study:
The Essentials of IT - This unit is the foundation for this qualification and it is designed to give students the underpinning synoptic knowledge that will prepare them to study this suite of qualifications. This is an exam unit.
Essentials of Cyber Security - This unit has been designed to enable students to gain knowledge and understanding of some of the threats and vulnerabilities that can have an impact on individuals and organisations. This is an exam unit.
Emerging Technology - The use of technology has become so extensive that everyone is expected to understand not just how technology is used today but what future developments are underway and what these developments might mean for the future. As a result, students will undertake work to investigate emerging technologies such as drone usage, the Internet of Things and other key components of the modern world. This is an internally assessed unit.
Using Data Analysis Software - This unit will enable learners to understand the difference between data and information and the quality of the data, which data needs to be analysed for a given business need and how to carry out the analysis and present the findings and recommend the use of their analysis model for future analyses and decision making. This is an internally assessed unit.
Digital Media students will study:
Digital Media and Emerging Technologies - Students will investigate and explore the new technologies that are shaping digital media such as AR, VR as well as how companies are using this technology to reach audiences and provide new interactive and immersive content. Students will also learn how media platforms are used to distribute digital content. This is an exam unit.
Principals of Digital Design and Production - Students will discover the underlying skills needed to produce digital content as well as how to apply creativity to meet specific requirements. They will also learn about the legal, ethical and regulatory requirements around the production of digital content. This is an exam unit.
The Moving Image Industries - Students will investigate the different types of industry sectors that produce moving images and audio products. They will also look at the range of purposes and audiences that moving image and audio products are created for before planning a film, source assets and using non-linear editing software to create a video or audio product. This is an assessed unit
The Digital Media Industry: Products and Audiences - Students will investigate the various digital media industry sectors through the different types of products they produce. They will also look at the range of purposes and audiences that digital media products are created for and will plan, source and edit assets to create a prototype of a digital media product.
How will I be assessed?
This course consists of two exam units and two internally assessed units. Exams are sat in late January while assessed units contain multiple assignments that are submitted over the course of the units.
Any trips?
Learners will attend trips in order to experience the wider world of IT and digital media. There will be a minimum of one trip per course.
Are there any costs involved?
Students will be supplied with the technology and applications needed to complete the course. Access to a home computer or laptop is highly recommended.
Students will be required to pay for any external trips undertaken.
The purpose of the course is to help students decide on their possible future paths. As such prior experience is not essential but evidence of prior interest and experience is helpful in evaluating potential applicants.
Initially, all students will learn core skills and knowledge. Students will be grouped into pathways after the first four weeks allowing them to decide which pathway best suits their interests and skills.
Awarding Body
OCR Cambridge Technical
What can I do after I have taken this course?