Applied Human Biology Level 3 Certificate


Are you fascinated by how the human body works? Do you want to learn more about this incredible machine? If so our exciting Applied Human Biology course is perfect for you! Have you ever wondered exactly how the body is able to control and maintain different internal conditions? Why do some people’s immune systems attack their own cells? How do bacteria, viruses and other pathogens specifically cause disease? These are just some of the questions you will explore the answers to. The course is delivered by experienced and approachable lecturers who are there to support you throughout your learning. Human biology is an enthralling subject and we look forward to sharing our enthusiasm for it with you.

What will I study in Applied Human Biology Level 3 Certificate?

You will complete Unit 1 and Unit 2 in the first year and Unit 3 and Unit 4 in the second year.

Unit 1: Principles of Human Biology

In this unit, you will study how the human body functions at a genetic, cellular and tissue level. You will gain an understanding of how human biology and lifestyle factors interact to affect the health of individuals and populations. You will also explore the many ways that this knowledge can be applied in order to improve diagnostic and health outcomes. This unit will give you a foundation for biological study, as you will gain theoretical knowledge of human body functioning, an insight into the factors and risks affecting health and knowledge of how biology is applied to make a positive impact on all our lives.

Unit 2: Practical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

In this unit, you will carry out your own investigation into the effect of antimicrobial agents on the growth of microorganisms and will recognise the importance of disease management to modern human society. This investigation will enable you to begin to understand the role of clinical microbiologists as it is a typical investigation that is carried out in industry. To carry out your investigation, you will explore a variety of tests and techniques using essential laboratory practice. In order to carry out this investigation, you will first develop an understanding of the significance of microorganisms in their role as pathogens. You will link your understanding of cell and tissue adaptation, the function of biological molecules and the relationship between the structure, function and processes of key body systems with your knowledge of the immune response to understand how diseases develop.

Unit 3: Human Biology and Health Issues

In this unit, you will interpret, analyse and evaluate scientific information related to health issues and initiatives and explore the presentation of this information for a defined purpose and audience. You will further your knowledge of human biology from Unit 1: Principles of Applied Human Biology and Unit 2: Practical Microbiology and Infectious Disease; to explore the impact of health issues on the world we live in, further developing your skills of analysis and interpretation. You will consider a range of health issues and associated initiatives from developments in food nutrition and healthy diets to advances in medical treatments, including stem cell therapy and genetic engineering.

Unit 4: Functional Physiology

In this unit, you will have the opportunity to explore the growth and development of four body systems and homeostasis and its role in the body. There will be an opportunity to research common disorders, their causes in relation to these systems and the impact they have on a person’s life. The unit provides a strong foundation for human biology study, it gives you theoretical knowledge of the structure, function and role of the muscular, skeletal, nervous and endocrine systems. You will gain insight into the importance of homeostasis in maintaining a constant internal environment that allows the body's systems to function properly. Knowledge and understanding of these systems will provide insight into how biology works in action to make a positive impact on all our lives.

Entry Requirements

At least five GCSE Grade 4 or higher including three from the basket subjects, English Language and Science (either 4/4 in Combined or a 4 in Biology).

How will I learn?

Learning will be done in the classroom and in the Lab. You will get to develop many lab skills from microscopy to dissection.  All experiments will be written up and built into your understanding of the theory. Learning will be a mixture of lectures, where you will be encouraged to learn independent study skills, discussions with your peers, and frequent tests to check your progress.

The Practical Microbiology unit will allow you to develop your microbiological technique. You will also get to progress your digital skills for example using Excel to produce graphs. Furthermore, there are also maths skills developed in the course, doing microscopy calculations to statistical tests.

You'll get booklets with lots of work to do between lessons, and it will be important that you complete all the work set, and learn everything thoroughly for tests.

How will I be assessed?

Unit 1: Principles of Human Biology

This unit will be assessed through a written examination worth 80 marks, which is set and marked externally by Pearson. The examination will last 1 hour and 30 minutes. The paper will include a range of question types, including multiple choice, calculations, short answer and open response.

Unit 2: Practical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

This unit will be assessed through 3 internally set and marked assignments. One of these assignments will be a practical investigation.

Unit 3: Human Biology and Health Issues

This unit will be assessed through a supervised assessed task set and marked externally by Pearson. The supervised assessment task must be completed in a single session of 3 hours, on a day timetabled by Pearson. During the supervised assessment session, learners will be given a stimulus in the form of a scientific article. Learners will analyse and interpret this article in the context of how the health issue is being reported. The number of marks for the unit is 60.

Unit 4: Functional Physiology

This unit will be assessed through 2 internally set and marked assignments.

Any trips?

We have taken students to Warwick University to watch a series of lectures from specialists. We hope to be able to run more trips, some of which may be in conjunction with either the A-level Biology cohort or students completing sport related courses.

Are there any costs involved?

You should expect some small costs for course booklets and stationery

You may also be required to buy appropriate PPE such as lab coats and goggles, these will be available from the College


What career opportunities are there?

A few of the possible career opportunities include:

• Exercise physiologist
• Fitness centre manager
• Personal trainer
• Secondary school teacher
• Sports administrator
• Sports coach
• Sports development officer
• Sports therapist
• Occupational therapist
• Event manager
• Health promotion specialist
• Healthcare scientist
• Higher education lecturer
• Outdoor activities/education manager
• Sport and exercise psychologist
• Adult nurse
• Children's nurse
• Health visitor
• High intensity therapist
• Mental health nurse
• Midwife
• Paramedic

What Higher Education courses could this course lead on to?

BSc (Hons) in Occupational Health
BSc (Hons) in Sport Science
BSc (Hons) in Nursing
BSc (Hons) in Midwifery

BSc (Hons) Criminology

Is there much practical work?

This course will involve a lot of practical work in the lab, particularly during Unit 2: Practical Microbiology and infectious diseases

Will I have to cut things up?

There will be the opportunity to do some dissection of organs such as the heart but this is not a compulsory part of the qualification.

Available As

Extended Certificate
[56 UCAS pts. available]

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Available As

[28 UCAS pts. available]
Extended Certificate
[56 UCAS pts. available]

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