Drama and Theatre Studies is an exciting, practical and innovative course for anyone with a real interest in theatre who wants to know more. You will explore plays both practically and theoretically, gaining an understanding of a range of styles and genres of theatre. The great thing about this course is the focus on practical work and the development of skills in a range of theatre roles, including performer, designer and director. This course is an excellent base of learning for students wanting to study drama in higher education and just a fantastic opportunity to study a subject that you love and find fascinating.
What will I study in Drama & Theatre Studies A-level?
Component 1: Devising (40% of the qualification 80 marks)
In this component, you will devise an original performance piece using an extract from a play text and a theatre practitioner as a stimuli. You will create a working portfolio which documents the journey of creating theatre and evaluate the performance you have created.
Component 2: Theatre Text in Performance (20% of the qualification 60 marks)
You will perform in a group performance of one key extract from a play text. In addition, you will perform a monologue or duologue performance from one key extract from a different performance text.
Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice (Written examination: 2 hours 30 minutes 40% of the qualification 80 marks)
This is the written exam and allows you to write as an audience member, a director, a performer and a designer. You will write a live theatre evaluation in response to an argument about a performance you have seen live in the theatre. You will explore two complete texts – focusing on how they can be realised for performance – and how they could be reimagined for a contemporary audience.
Entry Requirements
5+ GCSEs at Grade 4 or above, from the core subjects, including English Language and Maths.
How will I learn?
Lessons in Drama and Theatre take many forms. You will take part in practical workshops, theory based lectures and rehearsal lessons. Over the two year course, you will complete 3 assessed performances, complete one piece of coursework and prepare for a written exam.
How will I be assessed?
Component 1: Devising Coursework (40% of the qualification 80 marks)
June of Year 1 - Practical performance and written supporting portfolio
Component 2: Theatre Text in Performance External Exam (20% of the qualification 60 marks)
March of Year 2 - 1 monologue/duologue performance and 1 group performance
Component 3: Theatre Makers in Practice Written examination: 2 hours 30 minutes (40% of the qualification 80 marks)
June of Year 2
Section A - Live Theatre review: 20 marks
Section B - Page to Stage: 36 marks
Section C - Theatre Makers in Practice: 24 marks
Any trips?
Yes! We try and get to the theatre at least twice a year both locally and further afield.
Are there any costs involved?
Yes, mainly scripts. You will need to buy scripts needed for your performances and some of the set texts.
Cirencester College offer a generous bursary scheme - for more details see the Financial Support section on this website.
It helps, as the structure of the courses is similar and it shows that you have an interest in the subject, but it is not compulsory. If you can evidence passion, experience, knowledge and skill in the subject, you have met the most important requirements for the course.
There isn’t, but there is a practical initial assessment task, as well as an essay task which is part of your flying start work. The practical initial assessment task takes place in the first week of the course, and you must either perform a two minute monologue or deliver a two minute presentation of a design concept for a monologue.
There is quite a lot! There is a large amount of practical work and assessment, but the final exam and one section of the coursework require essay writing, so there is lot of preparation for these written assessments throughout the course.
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[56 UCAS pts. available]

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What can I do after I have taken this course?
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[56 UCAS pts. available]

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What the students say
”Pretty much all the lessons have a practical element to them - yes even the theory ones, the lecturers really like to get you up on your feet and moving around and you’ll make great friends along the way.