Business Studies A-level


Business is a fascinating subject and looks at real world problems such as: How can businesses maximise profits? How do you grow a business? How do businesses create products which customers want? How do businesses motivate their staff? The course provides an engaging curriculum whether you are thinking of a future as an entrepreneur, senior manager or even specialising in a business field such as marketing or finance! The course provides an excellent academic grounding as well as the added value of developing knowledge and skills which will be useful throughout your career such as budgeting, leadership and problem solving.

What will I study in Business Studies A-level?

You will study four Themes over the two years.

1. Theme 1: Marketing and People (Year 1):

 You will cover how business meet customer needs as well as how markets work. You will also look at how businesses develop marketing strategies and how people are managed. As the unit draws to a close we will look at the skills and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.

2. Theme 2: Managing Buiness Activities (Year 1): 

This theme focuses on how businesses manage their finances. We will examine how businesses raise finance, calculate and interpret financial performance. We will then move on to how businesses manage resources such as stock. We will finish the unit by looking at how situations outside the control of the business can impact them.

3. Theme 3:  Business decisions and strategy (Year 2):

The focus of this theme is how businesses make decisions and develop key strategies. We will look at the different ways businesses grow and manage change. We will look at a range of decision making tools including a mix of numerical and written techniques.  

4. Theme 4: Global Business (Year 2):

In this unit, we look at multinational businesses which operate in a range of different countries. We look at how businesses can establish themselves as a global brand and the impact of international trade on businesses. We also look at the impact of international business on the world!

Entry Requirements

5+ GCSEs at Grade 4 or above from the core subjects, including English Language and Grade 5 in Maths.

A Grade 5 in English is desirable. GCSE Business is not required.

How will I learn?

You will learn through a variety of learning methods including:

1. Group work e.g develop a business plan as a team / research the marketing strategy of a business

2. Individual work e.g prepare a sales forecast, research an entrepreneur of your choice

3. Projects e.g. Summer Entrepreneur Project in Y1

4. Case studies - We will use a range of video and written case studies to discuss business scenarios

5. Visits e.g Twickenham Rugby Stadium, Morgan Motors/Mini Car Factory, Cadburys World, Universities

6. Guest speakers e.g local entrepreneurs and business leaders

7. Quizzes - multiple choice and Kahoots in class

8. Topic assessments

9. Debates and Discussions e.g. is Starbucks ethical or is it just a marketing stunt?

10. Past Exam Papers, mark schemes and examiner's reports - to learn and improve on your exam technique

How will I be assessed?

You will complete three two hour exams at the end of Year 2 (Paper 1, 2 and 3) which cover all of the themes studied in Year 1 and Year 2. Paper 3 is based on a specific industry which we find out about just before Christmas. The Exam board gave us a pre-release with key areas to research. Past industries to focus on have been the car market, the sports industry and most recently the fashion industry.

During the course, you will have regular end of unit assessments, homework and mock exam papers to track your progress.

Any trips?

We aim to do at least one trip a year. A trip will usually involve visiting a Business to see how it works. Trips done previously include:

1. Twickenham Rugby Stadium

2. Mini Car Factory and Morgan Motors Factory

3. Alton Towers

4. Cadburys World

5. University of Gloucestershire

Are there any costs involved?

  • You should expect some small costs for course booklets and stationery
  • As part of the course, you will have a digital copy of the textbook and revision guides for each theme.
  • You may wish to buy a paper copy of the textbook, although this is not a requirement as a digital copy is available. The Textbook is  Edexcel Business by Ian Marcourse, Andrew Hammond and Nigel Watson, published by Hodder Education (Pearson Edexcel A level Business: Hodder Education)
  • You should also expect to pay for trips.


How many hours will I study Business Studies A Level per week?

You will have a three hour and one and a half hour lesson per week, so 4.5 hours.

How is the 3 hour lesson structured?

During the three hours, you will receive a lecture on key content as well as lots of different individual and group tasks. There is a short break in the middle of the session.

Do I need to have studied GCSE Business?


How many hours of independent study is expected per week?

We expect you to study for around 4.5 hours per week. This may consist of, for example:

  1. Reading/watching the business news
  2. Pre-reading the next topic that you will have a lecture on
  3. Post-reading (making extra/consolidating notes on the lecture you have just had)
  4. Revising key content using the resources on Teams, textbook, revision guides, online resources
  5. Watching a documentary on a business e.g. inside the Factory, the Rise and fall of Thomas Cook or a series such as Dragon's Den
  6. Completing quizzes set on Teams to test your knowledge

Available As

A Level
[56 UCAS pts. available]

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Available As

A Level
[56 UCAS pts. available]

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