Unlike many local 6th forms we have we have an inclusive approach to recruitment and use GCSE scores to select on the basis of potential to succeed. We give a much wider range of students the opportunity to study and they generally repay that approach by doing very well.
About a third of our students are from Cirencester, a third from Swindon/N Wilts and the rest from around Gloucestershire. There are also growing numbers from Oxfordshire and South Glos. Most travel some distance to get here which means that they are highly motivated and want to succeed. They have chosen to travel past many other providers to get to us because they want the special experience of a proper Sixth Form College. They quickly adapt to the atmosphere of high expectations and support in College and always impress visitors with their politeness and focus. They are generally punctual to class, respond well to their lecturers and peers and focus on their work. Staff who have joined us from other schools and colleges are usually pleasantly surprised. 90% of students are on level 3 programmes, with the majority doing A-levels and a rapidly growing proportion doing T-Levels. We try and give students access to the same broad enrichment programme and pastoral support.
Parents are supportive of their sons and daughters and of the College. We have Parents’ Evenings twice a year to provide feedback and discuss any issues. We also continue to develop a range of on-line tools to improve communication further.