Corporation and Governing Body

You will find information in this section about how the Corporation conducts its business and about its current members.   If you have any questions about the Corporation, or would like any further information,  please get in touch with the Governance Manager, Suzanna Miles.

Cirencester College T-Level Building

Our underpinning ethos: Outstanding in our community

Cirencester College is the only sixth form college serving Gloucestershire, Swindon and parts of the surrounding counties. 

 As such it offers a genuine alternative to other school and college post 16 provision. We consistently out-perform national benchmarks on attainment and progression and gain high positive ratings from students, parents, staff and employers with whom we work.  We are committed to our mission and vision and believe that these, together with our values, present a sure foundation for focus, aspiration, growth and excellence.   

To achieve this we feel that there are two, fundamental principles, drawn from our mission, vision and values, that need to sit at the core of every decision made: being an outstanding college in every sense of the word and uniting all of the fragmented stakeholder groups into one, unique Cirencester College community. 

The College’s aspiration is to be outstanding in all we do and we aim for this in our day to day practice and engagement with students, parents, employers and the communities we serve.  We believe that excellence in how we behave and communicate with others, at all timesare fundamental to our future.  

We are intentionally brave and ambitious. It is our challenge – to always strive to be outstanding in everything we do, and to always keep at the forefront of our minds that the Cirencester College community is successful because of its unique breadth, variety and vitality. 

How we will evidence the value we add to our community 


Strategic Plan


Minutes of Corporation meetings


Annual Report & Accounts


OFSTED Inspection Report

The College will review and update its Public Value Statement on an annual basis as part of its regular review of the College’s Strategic Plan.