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Last week, Year 1 Sport and Physical Activity students had the opportunity to gain invaluable leadership experience when they assisted with the running of the Gloucestershire Primary School Dodgeball Championships.

For the past three years, the College Sport department and Enrichment team have worked in partnership with British Dodgeball to offer students this opportunity, which enables them to gain a highly regarded Dodgeball Leaders Award.

The event saw teams from six local primary schools visit Cirencester College to participate in a dodgeball tournament. Year 1 Sport and Physical Activity students were busy officiating each game, and ensuring the smooth running of the event. There was a brilliant atmosphere in the Sports Hall throughout the day, and the Leaders have been highly commended by British Dodgeball for their fantastic efforts.

Ross Langworthy, Sport Lecturer, said “This event provided our students with an opportunity to develop invaluable industry-relevant skills such as officiating, communicating (in a very loud and sometimes intense environment!), decision making, problem solving, and working as a team. The event was a huge success and we have received some great feedback from the visiting primary school teachers. This was a positive step forward for our students on their career pathway into a competitive yet rewarding industry.”

“Our work with British Dodgeball has allowed our students to gain transferable skills that will prove highly beneficial as they move into careers that involve coaching, officiating, and/or planning events.” Said Jess Smith, Enrichment Lead at Cirencester College, “We would like to thank British Dodgeball for delivering the qualification to our students and supporting the wider community to engage in this activity.”

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