Recently, A-level Graphics and T-level Fashion students spent an educational week in Valencia exploring the art and architecture, as well as immersing themselves in the rich culture.
Will Chapman, Course Team Leader for A-level Graphics, said “Valencia was a wonderful journey through the old and new with both traditional arts and architecture abound with more and more of the contemporary beginning to flourish.
We also got to sample some of the celebrations for the Fallas Festival marking the start of Spring, which easily had the loudest fireworks we’ve ever heard in our life, so it started with a bang!
Naturally we had, and did the best we could with, seasonally uncharacteristic rain, but it couldn’t stop us making the most of it and having an awesome time.”
Val, Year 2 Graphics, said “The trip to Valencia was genuinely life changing! Also eat tapas, best way to eat in a group, I understand why they do it now.”
Ruby, Year 2 Graphics, said “The trip was funny because there were some people in my class I didn’t even know before but now, because of Valencia, we’re friends!”
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