It’s an exciting time to be an Animal Management student at Cirencester College; our fantastic Animal Centre Manager and technicians have worked hard over the summer break renovating animal enclosures and welcoming several new additions to our extensive animal collection.
The rabbit enclosure has been demolished and rebuilt to provide a bespoke new environment with an internal shed and concrete run with a digging area. They also have access to an outdoor grassy area, meeting their welfare needs and giving them plenty of space to run and jump around.
To accommodate the new rabbit enclosure, the chicken enclosure has been relocated and we look forward to extending our chicken collection in the near future.
Our snakes and degus have also had their living area extended, and new tanks have been brought in to accommodate future new species of amphibians including a blue tongued skink and a chameleon.
To improve accessibility around the centre for students, the Estates team have installed two new accessible sinks, and updated paths and ramps around the enclosures.
Animal Management students study and work with a wide range of animal species during their time at college, learning how to handle and care for them, and perform daily routines such as feeding and monitoring behaviour patterns. Our Animal Centre houses hot room and cold room facilities, outdoor environments and a variety of birds, mammals, invertebrates, and fish.
Over the summer break our animal collection has grown, and we have welcomed several new species, including:
-A Sudan Plated Lizard
-An Argentine Horned Frog
-Two Portuguese Fire Salamanders
-A Bearded Dragon
-A Rankins Dragon
-5 African Pygmy Dormice
You can find lots of information about studying Animal Care and Management T-level here Animal Care & Management T-level – Cirencester College
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