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The headlines nationally are of lower A-level grades, but Cirencester College students have much to celebrate today after collecting their results this morning, with top grades across the board.

91% of Cirencester College students gained University places, with 83% of students being accepted into their first-choice university, against the national average of 79%.

Congratulations to the eleven students who gained their places at medical, veterinary and dentistry schools across the country, and the six students who secured their places at Oxford or Cambridge.

Thomas, formerly of Cirencester Kingshill School gained top grades in Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Further Maths and is now going on to Oxford to study Chemistry. Relieved at finally getting his results today, he thanked his “amazing teachers and staff”.

The College are also celebrating some fantastic outcomes for their vocational and T-level courses.  Nearly forty students gaining the equivalent of three grade As at A-level in their vocational courses, many of whom will be going on to university, jobs, or apprenticeships. Alahna, (formerly of Cleeve School) gained top marks in her Performing Arts Diploma and will now be studying Musical Theatre at Chichester University.

Another extraordinary year for T-level students, with the second cohort going through, Cirencester College was one of the first institutions to pioneer the new qualification and today celebrates 45 students achieving merit grades and 15 students achieving a distinction, the equivalent to three A grades at A-level. Among the many success stories is Toby (formerly of Winchcombe School) who gained a distinction for Education and Childcare, a happy Toby really enjoyed the T-level, saying “my work experience placement was one of the highlights of the course”.

Interim Principal, Matt Reynolds said “This has been another great year for results. I’m so proud of how well our students have done and I genuinely recognise the hard work they’ve put in to do so well. It’s always magnificent to see what our young people can achieve when backed up by quality teaching and tutoring, and not forgetting support from within that critical triangle of the learner, the College, and home.

A-level results have been superb, especially strong in a year so tough for those coming out of Covid, while T-level continues to break barriers with amazing inspiring success and vocational qualifications have performed in true exemplary fashion.

I must thank the staff of the College for their contributions to this success. Everybody who works here, in whatever capacity, is dedicated to getting the best results for our learners. Thank you to the parents and guardians who have supported our learners on the home front, but mostly thank you to our wonderful learners themselves who have been driven to be the best they can be, have taken full advantage of what the College has to offer, and have taken another big step forward into their futures.”

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Highlights of Results Day 2023
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