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Cirencester College are pleased to announce that they will be partnering with Brain Tumour Research for their nominated charity of the year.

Cirencester College staff nominate a charity each academic year and organise a variety of fundraising events.

Brain Tumour Research was nominated by Karen Bell, Faculty Head of Adult Learning & Educational Support. Karen fundraises for the charity every year, following her granddaughter Myah’s brain tumour diagnosis in 2015.

Karen, who often combines her love of art with her fundraising efforts, has planned several fundraisers including a craft fair, ‘Wear a Christmas Hat Day’, and several staff Christmas bauble decorating workshops.

Mel Tiley, community, and development manager at Brain Tumour Research said: “It’s wonderful to have Cirencester College choose Brain Tumour Research as its charity of the year, especially after the success of Karen’s bubbles and baubles fundraising event last year. We’ve been touched by Karen sharing the story of her granddaughter, Myah. One in three people know someone affected by a brain tumour and they kill more children than leukaemia yet just 1% of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to this devastating disease. We’re grateful for this charity partnership and look forward to the next 12 months and working with the college to support families impacted by the disease.”

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