A-levels at Cirencester College

Cirencester College is the largest provider of A-levels in Gloucestershire and the region.  Choosing Cirencester College to study A-levels gives you lots more choice of subjects with nearly 50 A-levels currently on offer taught by our specialist teachers.

What is an A-level?

A-levels are subject based qualifications. Here at Cirencester College we offer over 40 different subjects at A-level, some of which you will have the opportunity to study at GCSE, some subjects you might not have tried before such as Ancient History, Film Studies or Classical Civilisation.

How long do A-levels take to complete?

A-levels are a two year qualification, mainly exam based students will finish the two years with a series of exams.

How many A-levels do I need to study?

We recommend that students take 3 A-levels although we do allow students who are have high predicted GCSE grades to take 4, but to progress on to University they will only need 3.

Who are A-levels for?/Why do I need A-levels?

Taking A-levels can lead to university, further studies, an apprenticeship, training or a career.

What is the difference between an A-level and a T-level?

T-levels or Technical levels are a new two year technical qualification, which is the equivalent of 3 A-levels. Developed in collaboration with employers, T-levels have a substantial industry placement (minimum of 45 days) and are perfect for those who are interested in studying in a specific occupational area

To find out more about T-levels, click here

A-levels are subject based qualifications which can be studied as part of a three A-level programme or a mixed A-level/Vocational programme.

What is a mixed programme at Cirencester College?

Sometimes it can be difficult to choose between A-levels and a Vocational Course. At Cirencester College you can keep your options open by studying a mixed programme of A-levels and vocational.

A typical programme of study might include two A-levels alongside a Subsidiary Diploma in a vocational subject. Or you may wish to take a Vocational Diploma alongside one A-level.

Unfortunately you are not able to include a T-level in a mixed programme, as the course does not allow enough time to take another course alongside it.

When can I apply?

You can apply to Cirencester College from as early as the September before the year you start.

How many A-levels do I need to go to University?

If you are thinking about going to University, most universities require 3 A-levels. These may be in specific subjects which have minimum grade requirements. If you are thinking about a specific career, it is advisable that you do some research first before applying by looking at individual universities or the UCAS website (here) to find out their A-level requirements.

How are A-levels graded?

A-levels are graded from highest to lowest, A*, A, B, C, D and E. If the minimum standard is not met for a grade E the student will receive the non-grade U (unclassified).

How much does it cost to do A-levels?

A-level courses are provided for free to students aged 16 to 18 in the UK.

What GCSE grades do I need to do A-levels at Cirencester College?

To take A-levels at Cirencester College you will need the minimum of 5 grade 4s at GCSE (all from the basket subjects), some subjects will need a higher grade in a specific subject.

For a full breakdown of Entry Requirements (click here).