Vets, Medics and Dentists Programme

Tutoring for Aspiring Doctors, Vets and Dentists at Cirencester College

Students who are interested in becoming a doctor, a vet or a dentist will face strong competition when applying for a place at university. We provide extensive advice, guidance and support and have developed a programme involving specialist and experienced staff. It is a challenging journey for all, but we do know that with a combination of aptitude and motivation, alongside a focused approach, many succeed. We have high expectations of you both academically and personally as you strive to achieve your personal career goals.

The journey to making a successful application starts with the achievement of a strong set of GCSE results, including Maths, English and Sciences. You may also benefit from becoming a member of the High Achievers Academy as well, where the programme is most beneficial for students meeting a minimum of 7×7 at GCSE.

Lilia Chemistry

Year 1

Term 1: Settling in and thinking ahead

This introductory term allows you to explore your career aspirations. You can select the specialist Vet’s Med’s and Dentist Tutor Group through the application process and enrolment. We will outline the requirements involved in a successful application, and also give you room to explore alternatives. This is the term to set up and begin work experience opportunities.

Term 2: Developing ideas, reflecting on work experience

You will get plenty of practical advice about developing your skills, knowledge and confidence. Cirencester College alumni run a clinical skills session where you will get a chance to experience and use Ophthalmoscopes and otoscopes and learn how to manually take blood pressure. You also need time to reflect on your future direction and academic progress. This is the time when developing an awareness of wider issues and ethics is also an integral part of your journey.

Term 3: Preparing to Apply

Applications are made through UCAS for the early deadline of the 15th October. You will spend time drafting your crucial personal statement as well as preparing for any admissions tests such as the UCAT and BMAT.

Year 2

Term 1: Preparing for Interviews

UCAS applications are submitted very early on in this term, followed by preparations for interviews including the mock MMI day run by Cirencester College alumni now working or studying in the relevant field.

Term 2: Sharing experience and knowledge

Health professionals are expected to be excellent communicators with a sense of community and social responsibility. In this term sharing your knowledge with first year students will allow you to reflect on your personal journey and develop further your skills and confidence in yourself, as you start to think about the transition to university.

Term 3: Focus on exams

Students who have received an offer will be working towards achieving the grades required by their firm and insurance universities. We will be there to support and help you navigate all outcomes, hopefully celebrating your success come results day.

Which A levels should I pick?

Doing Chemistry and Biology will give you the most options for an application for Medicine, Dentistry or Veterinary Science. Some universities have a specific requirement for their 3rd subject, although many are flexible. Picking a 3rd A level to study alongside these is a personal choice and should be based on enjoyment and the ability to succeed.

However, you should check the medical, dentistry or vet schools council websites, and the specific university websites of those you might be interested in to make sure.

Work Experience

Work experience which demonstrates that you have an insight into your chosen course and can reflect on what you have experienced is key. You will need to make arrangements for work experience independently. Many students volunteer at local Hospitals and Care Homes.

There are substantial requirements for veterinary work experience and although these are similar across all vet schools it is important to check individual university information to ensure that you meet the minimum requirements at the time of application. Part time jobs can also provide useful evidence of wider skills and abilities.

What the students say

I am currently a 3rd year Medical Student at Cardiff University. As someone who is not from a family background in medicine I was completely unaware of the expectations required from Medical School Applicants - at Cirencester College, the tutors were invaluable about managing these expectations, educating us on Medical Ethics and related topics that are always asked at interview. The college also offered mock MMI interviews which largely resembled my real interviews to medical school. Doing this practice was invaluable as it helped to calm my nerves for the real ones, and understand how to structure my answers. Without Cirencester College Meds/Vets/Dentists tutoring I definitely would have found it much harder gaining a place in Medical School, and am hugely appreciative to this day for the support given!

Ryan3rd Year Medical Student at Cardiff

For more information contact:

Mike Cadman
Head of Pastoral


Imogen Mordak
Pastoral Lead – Progression

The information contained on this page is believed to be correct at the time of production. October 2023